Young Manuel Brito, captivated by the endless landscapes of Master Armando Villalon, venturedinto plastic arts in 1987 under the supervision of “The Painter of Mist”. He began as an assistant in his workshop by preparing canvases and mixing pigments while Master Villalon shared with his promising mentee his first painting lessons.
At the age of 13 years old, Manuel Brito learned to contemplate, with the view of an artist, the immensity of the Turbio River in his hometown of Barquisimeto, and the highest inspiration for Master Armando Villalon. With him, Brito learned the value of perspective and depth, the dimensions of light and the color breakdown through the gentleness of the brushstroke.
The main learning that Manuel Brito exercised to decipher his own world in plastic art was patience, order and discipline: “Infantino”, the highest study in his uprising development has become more than a personal seal. On those large rooms with gleaming floors where humanity comes alive with the ludic memories of his youth, the deep investigation on volume, breakdown, and contract that have been developed by the artist can be seen.
The plastic approach of the areas where he experiments with the line and the architectonic shapes that defy logic, and that have taken his approach to another level with the important incorporation of the Venezuelan landscape such as the Avila Mountain, the Great Caracas, Seascapes and the Plains, where the light unleashes a set of images.
Since 1996, his name begins to resonate in the national exhibitions and events that quickly open their doors to him a individual and collective expositions in Venezuela, such as the CabudareAteneo, Rafael Monasterios Gallery at the CentroccidentalLisandro Alvarado University (UCLA), the Lisandro Alvarado Museum at El Tocuyo,and at the Lara Convention Center, among other cultural institutions.
Among the most important awards in his promising artistic career it is important to mentionthe Button Award of the City of Barquisimeto, Merit Honor Medal Plastic Artist Day of the UCLA, and the Professors Union Award at the 10thLisandro Alvarado Plastic Artist Exposition.