Illuminate your collection with this bold, thought-provoking piece by acclaimed artist Ron English. Titled "Grin Bulb," this artwork blends playful iconography with a touch of the surreal, featuring a grinning skull embedded in a vibrant yellow light bulb. The iconic smiley face, reimagined with sinister undertones, serves as a powerful commentary on consumer culture and the intersection of joy and darkness. Set against a deep, electric purple background, the piece captures attention with its contrasting themes of light and mortality. A perfect addition for those who appreciate pop surrealism and the subversion of familiar imagery, this artwork is an invitation to see beyond the facade and explore the layered meanings beneath.
Bring home a piece that challenges perceptions, provokes thought, and lights up any space with its audacious creativity.
- Materials: Archival UV-Cured print on Varnished HD Aluminum panel
- Size: 11 in x 8¼ in x 1½ in
- Rarity: p/p
- Certificate of Authenticity: Included (issued by gallery)
- Frame: Mounted in black frame