Skull Candy
It was made with the idea that art should be felt in a variety of ways. The Coal Train was specifically used
in this piece since in the real world they are used as a vessel which carries materials that can be used to power and enhance other objects and without this source there would not be qualities in life which we enjoy and take
for granted. The black roses, which typically represent loss and mourning were used as a metaphor for what we would have without these various forms of artwork. The vibrancy of the skulls are intended to show that we are all the same but the artwork can be seen, felt, heard and spoken about differently depending on who is in the audience. The position of the skulls were also meant to show that there are two sides to everything and without that understanding we are always at a loss and longing for more common ground. Sometimes people can find themselves at a loss for words but I believe that visual and performance art can bring people together around a common feeling. My hope is that this piece can get off the tracks to give others the opportunity to come together and share in the sweetness of life and fill in where your words cannot.
Skull Candy by Frankie Gonzalez
Measurements: 14" x 3" x 6"
Technique: Acrylic, Enamel and Mixed Media on Scaled Train with a Bluetooh Speaker