
Virgilio Arrieta, is one of the most versatile artists in Venezuela. Born in April, 1955 in Maracay, Venezuela. Virgilio completed his university studies at the Universidad Centro Occidental Lisandro Alvarado UCLA obtaining a degree in Public Accounting. Alongside his professional education, Virgilio attended numerous workshops and free classes at The School of Visual Arts of Rafael Monasterios in Maracay.
Encompassing a great number of differing talents and having built a successful career as a renowned speaker, poet, musician, composer, TV producer and painter, Virgilio Arrieta is deservedly considered one of the most versatile artists in Venezuela.
Virgilio’s magnificent work has earned him national and international recognition.
All the artistic work of Virgilio Arrieta is intertwined by one common theme: representing human beings in their myriad facets. His paintings are impregnated with the eternal feeling of love that humanity has towards its fellow men, sincerity that inspires people to be kind and considerate to each other.
His artistic urge drives him to dedicate himself entirely to humanity. Virgilio envisages his work as a way to contribute to the happiness of those who appreciate it. Each detail in his work (from small drawings to monumental pieces of art) conveys the joy of love towards our neighbours; it becomes an inseparable synthesis of objects, people and tinted colours, which slowly enrapture the viewer’s attention, filling them with warm emotion. His paintings are filled with the eternal feeling of love and sincerity, which inspire people for compassion and altruism by seeing beyond the limited self.